Why Us?

Ohh come… do we REALLY need to answer that question? Why Us? Because you are Muslim, and it is about time you start #hosting your website on a platform with other #Muslims who have made their decision to leave WIX and GoDaddy and AWS and SquareSpace and ALLL the companies on planet earth right now who are taking your money every month and supporting The Oppression (genocide in Gaza and Sudan). Yes, these are familiar names associated with killing innocent Palestinians in Gaza since October 2023. Oh.. by the way..  yes… the news is REAL! Halal Hosting has indeed expanded our portfolio of services to Digital Architecture & Xperience Design (that is a fancy shamancy way of saying we make REALLY COOL websites, apps and any type of Digital Architecture that you desire), Social Media Marketing,  IT Support, SEO, SEM, Virtual Assistants, Call Centers, and many other services which will be of value to your life. If you already have a website or an app, just click the Transfer tab on our site and begin your transfer to Halal Hosting for free! Ask us about upgrading your Website from Web3 to Web4 technologies for $1.

Welcome to the Halal side 🙂